Welcome to the Robert L. Craig Health Office

  • 9/23/22

    Hello RLC Parents.  President Biden says the pandemic is over.  Yeah.  Finally, back to normal.  With that, we all navigated through the pandemic as best we could, leaving some stress in it's wake.   Stress is a normal part of life and the key is finding healthy ways to manage the stress that is left behind.  As educators and parents, it is important that we model these stress management skills to children.  I have posted many suggestions for you and your family to ease stress.   Check out these links.

    Please do not hesitate to call or email me.  

    Other things to help with our emotional health include consistent exercise, mindfulness activities, focusing on our faith practices (our religion), and getting out for some sun and fresh air where you can view greenery/nature. Other ideas include finding new things to do with free time, for example, focusing on a hobby that you have been postponing. Now is the time to do it. Learning something new, and of course spending time with our family and pets.

    For those times that you need an immediate response, here are some important Hot Line NumbersDo not hesitate to call these numbers if you or a family member need help

    Disaster Distress Hotline (SAMHSA)


    Crisis and Emotional Distress- Text Services

    Text 839863

    Open 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm

    Crisis Text Line:

    741741  text the word "start" to start a conversation with a counselor

    National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

    1800 273-8255 and Online chat at: preventionlifeline.org

    Horizon's Link:


    Blue Cross Blue Shield-NJ Direct 



    Stay Moonachie Strong!


    Ms. Gallo
