- Robert L. Craig School
- About Ms. Kenny

Degrees and Certifications:
Ms. Kenny
My name is Valerie Kenny, and I have been teaching science here at the Robert L. Craig School since January 2003. I am 50 years old, and this is my 26th year of teaching. Wow! I have always loved science, and teaching it is my passion. Many people think that science is hard, and that you have to have advanced college degrees to practice science, when really, we all do science every day. I believe my job is to help you understand everyday science and how it is part of every single thing you do each day.
Although science is my passion, I do have other interests. I am an amateur photographer and coin collector, I enjoy reading and hiking, and I love geocaching (using latitude/longitude coordinates to locate items hidden by people)! Of course, I also love finding and collecting rocks!!! Last but not least, I am completely in love with my two cats, Sebastian and Scout. They really do make everything awesome!
Please contact me at vkenny@moonachieschool.org if you ever have any questions or concerns about my classes, school, or just life in general. I will do my best to find you answers!
Let's make this a fantastic school year together!
Ms. Kenny
Phone: 201-641-5833
Email: vkenny@moonachieschool.org
Degrees: Bachelor's Degree in Science Education, Florida Tech, graduated 1995
Master's Degree in Technology Integration in the Classroom, Walden University, 2008